李亚东 副教授




主要从事金刚石大单晶高温高压制备的腔体结构优化与设计、腔体内多物理场的数值模拟等方向的研究,主持和参与重庆市科技计划项目5项,在《CrystEngComm》《Diamond and Related Materials》《Journal of Crystal Growth》《Chinese Physics B》《RSC Advances》等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。


1.重庆市科学技术局, 重庆市自然科学基金基础研究与前沿探索(面上项目), cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0391, 金刚石大单晶高压制备的双扩散对流特征分布规律及其调控机理研究, 2019.07-2022.06, 10万元,主持

2.重庆市教育委员会, 科学技术研究项目(青年项目), KJQN201901405, 优质金刚石大单晶高压制备的物理场作用机制与特征规律研究, 2019.10-2022.10, 4万元, 主持

3.重庆市教育委员会, 科学技术研究项目(青年项目),KJQN202101430, 基于多物理场耦合的大型油浸式变压器绕组温度分布特性研究, 2021.10-2024.10,4万元, 主持

4.Yadong Li, Xiaopeng Jia, Ning Chen, Liangchao Chen, Longsuo Guo, Shishuai Sun, Chao Fang and Hong-an Ma.Method to eliminate the surface growth defects of large single crystal diamonds: an effective solution to improve the utilization rate for commercial production.CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6889-6894

5.Yadong Li, Xiaopeng Jia, Ning Chen, Liangchao Chen, Longsuo Guo, Chunxiao Wang, Gang Li, Shishuai Sun and Hong-an Ma. New assembly design suitable for tower-shaped large size single-crystal diamond growth under high pressure and high temperature.CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 137-141

6.Yadong Li, Chunxiao Wang, Ning Chen, Liangchao Chen, Longsuo Guo, Xiaopeng Jia and Hong-an Ma.Significant improvement of multi-seed method of diamond synthesis by adjusting the lateral cooling water temperature.CrystEngComm. 2017,19,6681-6685

7.Yadong Li, Yong Li, Liangchao Chen, Longsuo Guo, Zelong He, Liangping Xia,Guangzhao Wang, Peng Zhang. Studies on the mechanism of large cavity to improve the growth rate of large diamond under HPHT conditions. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019, 515, 66-71

8.Yadong Li, Fangbiao Wang, Chunxiao Wang, Liangchao Chen, Longsuo Guo, Chao Fang. The regulating effect of cooling water temperature on the axial growth rate of large single crystal diamond under HPHT conditions. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019, 522, 5-10

地址:重庆市涪陵区聚贤大道16号格物楼 电话:(023)72792166
版权所有 长江师范学院电子信息工程学院(物理学院)